Binding projects with the university society under the case study oriented to legal technical analysis and its effect on learning processes

  • Susana Parrales Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Sarah Iza Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Alba Jordán Universidad Técnica de Ambato


The link between higher education institutions and the environment where they main- tain a social, economic or educational approach that is governed by higher education policies, laws or regulations. A comparison of the Ecuadorian situation with Latin America and Europe in higher education was made in order to know if the legal technical foundations of higher edu- cation contribute to the learning process. Through a descriptive documentary review, electronic reviews and search in books, thesis, magazines, papers and publications of congresses in order to research from its beginnings and relevant publications, as well as updated information, so it is concluded that a higher education institution intends comply fully with the regulations ei- ther internal or external in relation to the relationship with society, thus seeking bidirectional learning, that is, both teachers and students as well as transmitting knowledge to a beneficiary community or sector.


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Cómo citar
Parrales, S., Iza, S., & Jordán, A. (2020). Binding projects with the university society under the case study oriented to legal technical analysis and its effect on learning processes. Revista De Investigación Enlace Universitario, 19(1), 104-114.